This artwork by Gorbatoff is produced more in the “ Impressionist Style “ of Van Gogh than the traditional railway poster . It is , nevertheless , a wonderful piece of art from a Russian artist who , in 1922 , fled the aftermath of the 1917 Revolution . He spent the rest of his life in Western Europe, firstly in Italy and then in Berlin . How he picked up this commission is a mystery and maybe this image he created reminded him of Capri ,his first home after Moscow ?
Artwork by Ivanovic Gorbatoff
( 1876 – 1945 )
Code number 61025
The outside dimensions of these posters are 70cm x 50cm
( 27.6 inches x 19.7 inches ), designed to fit a standard IKEA frame.
The watermark shown on the image is simply to protect us from internet poaching and to protect copyright . It is not on the print you will receive.